Saturday, October 30, 2010

And the water is fine!

So, I've sat on the shores of blog land for quite some time..enjoying the view. I've thought about dipping a toe in, but, "what if I sink?".."what if the water is too cold?"..."what if it's too crowded?"....blah blah blah. I decided today is my day...especially after seeing this linky party today! I've gotta share what's become my love, what I've been working on for months and months.
These are my hand painted subway signs. They are very personal to moi. The one on the right represents where the hubby and I live now...the one on the right represents where we grew up. They took such a long time, but I loved every minute of it. Can't wait to make more! I bought a projector this week and I'm ready to roll (swim....whatever). I'm linking to this party!


  1. Hi Holly, at first I thought you were my friend Pam(she has signs like this-House of Hawthornes). She and I are both Buckeyes, and I assume you are too! Welcome to blogland!!! Hope you have fun! I am your first follower!

  2. Hey Holly, I will be your second follower! Love your signs. You did a great job1 Welcome to blogland it can become addictive!
    smiles, alice

  3. Great signs...we must live close to each other. Keep blogging - it's fun :)

  4. Nice signs. They made me smile, my grandmother lives in Colerain now and my mother grew up and graduated from Western Hills High School. Have fun with your blog.
